
Piercing for weight loss, anger management, anti smoking


In the ear, there is a small area that can control sugar cravings and reduce stress eating. This area is located on the Tragus, a thick piece of cartilage that covers the ear canal and is positioned above the earlobe. When pressure is applied to the tragus, this small piece of cartilage affects the nerves connected to the adrenal glands, throat, and neuroreceptors that control thirst and hunger. The tragus piercing is somewhat more painful than the earlobe piercing due to the thicker cartilage, but the pain usually subsides quickly.


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According to traditional acupuncture, stimulating this area can suppress excessive appetite and stress eating. The tragus piercing, in addition to its aesthetic effect, can be a key to a new weight loss path and even help manage energy levels and aggression. Tragus piercing may also assist with controlling smoking habits. The nerve endings in this area react to stimulation and can reduce the need for nicotine, which can be a significant help for those trying to quit smoking.


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With its aesthetic look and possible health benefits, the tragus piercing is an interesting choice for those seeking new ways to improve their health and appearance.


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