
Laser Aftercare


For the first 24 to 48 hours after a laser tattoo removal procedure, you should intermittently apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. The first hour after the procedure is crucial, so we provide disposable cooling packs at our studio. You should avoid hot showers, intense exercise, or any activity that might cause sweating. It is also advisable to apply a Cicaplast ointment to aid the healing process. Avoid using makeup, facial lotions, or any other topical creams on the skin that have not been prescribed by your doctor.

Take ZODAC/ZYRTEC to prevent swelling or other allergic reactions. You may also take a painkiller, but if possible, avoid ibuprofen, as it can thin your blood and cause more bruising.

For the first few weeks, avoid sun exposure, swimming pools, hot tubs, salt water, or anything else that could irritate your skin. If you must be in the sun, make sure to cover the treated area with sunscreen. Even after the area has healed, sunscreen is still essential when tanning. Regardless, you should use sunscreen on your face and body every day, paying special attention to the treated area. For at least a month after tattoo removal, do not use self-tanning sprays or lotions, as these can irritate the skin.

If blisters appear on your skin, continue applying a medicinal ointment. Do not pop any blisters. They must naturally subside to prevent excessive damage to the skin. Similarly, do not pick at any scabs that form. Removing skin and scabs can cause infections and scarring, as well as delay the healing process.

Under no circumstances should you shave the treated area. This can cause further skin irritation, as well as scarring and infection.

The best thing you can do after laser tattoo removal is to follow all these instructions. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide you with the best possible treatment outcome and ensure that your skin heals properly.


Only by following all of the above instructions
will you achieve near-perfect removal of the tattoo from your skin!