
Celebrities & IvanTATTOO&LASER Košice

03. 03. 2018


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The renowned fitness athlete Saskia Čákoci has become one of our satisfied customers. Saskia, known for her discipline and determination in the fitness world, now proudly wears a unique tattoo from IvanTATTOOKOŠICE, which she proudly showcases in her photoshoots. Saskia chose Ivan for her tattoo, who created a design exactly according to her wishes. The result is a piece that not only highlights her personality but also beautifully complements her fit physique.

Our studio is proud that such an important figure in the fitness world chose us. Saskia is an inspiration to many people, and her decision to trust Ivan is a great honor for us. You can see her new tattoo on her social media and in various photoshoots, where she proudly presents it.

If you also desire a unique tattoo that reflects your personality and life values, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you bring your ideas to life and create a work of art that you will be proud of.


IvanTATTOO – a fusion of art and passion that will accompany you on your journey.



➡️ Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/saskiacakoci_ifbb_pro/